Character Profile: Avala

Full Name: Avala daughter of Scya
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 3rd of the Month of Spirits, 1918 years after creation (Athakarin Calander)
Age as of Book 1: 14 (Evelon II years), 13 almost 14 (Earth Years)
Homeworld: Evelon II
Hometown: Childya Village, Ecrekio Valley
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Parents: Ravar son of Kovor (Father), Scya daughter of Yamlai (Mother, deceased)
Siblings: Vran son of Ravar (Deceased)
Rank: Leader (Avalans), Rank F Special Agent (EIS)
Faction: Republic of Earth
Friends and Associates: Allan Ali, Sylvia McCarthy, Vran, Echniath, Elizba, Noochi, Evyn
Personality: Naive, Breaks Down Too Close to Men, Kind, Vengeful
Ethnicity: Mixed Ethnicity: Ecrekio Cold Lands and Northlands Temperate
Skin Color: Very Pale
Eyes: Athakarin Round Amber Eyes, Slit Pupils
Hair: Shoulder Length, Straight, Golden Color
Height: 5' 1" (154.94 cm)