Welcome to another Blog Post for Avala Spirits of the Mindscapes. Today I am revealing the Logo for the series as well as the cover for book 1. Today is a momentous day, since this is the first real thing I have to show for the project.
The cover was designed by FriesenPress since I am publishing my book through them. I honestly think it is incredible, just like all the rest of the work they have done so far. So without further ado, here is the cover for Avala Spirits of the Mindscapes - Book 1: Hope

This cover is an image of the main character: Avala daughter of Scya. In this book she is only fourteen years of age. She is not fully human, being of a crossbreed race of human and an alien species known as Yajiran. Her race are called Athakarin after their Yajiran ancestors who called themselves Athakri.
Over the series, Avala will grow up and mature, by book 5 she will already be eighteen. Though she is only a young teenager in book 1, she will not stay as such. This series is her story. It is a action packed adventure and a coming of age, realizing that she might be the only person truly capable of saving her people.
The book will most likely come out no later than next June, however it will most likely come out sooner. I'll get a date out once I know more.
That's all for today. Join me next week where I'll share chapter 1 for Book 1 as a teaser. Join me two weeks from now where I'll share more about the universe it takes place in. Join me three weeks from now for another Development Diary for the Legacy of the Firstborne Empire game.
Until next time, stay cool.