As Seen on Amazon
A cat who is not a cat. A key that doesn't fit anything and an impossible door that leads Jenny to adventures beyond the known universe. Join Jenny as she steps from the workaday world into the amazing realms of the multiverse, only to find the fate of everything she holds dear in her hands.
Jenny discovers that nothing is what it seems to be...even Jenny.
This is the exciting first book in The Dimensional Alliance Series. Get ready for exciting twists and turns and step through the impossible door into infinite adventure saving the multiverse from ultimate evil and slavery. Get the whole set!

My Review
The House on Infinity Loop is the first book in the Dimensional Alliance series of books by Bonnie K.T. Dillabough. It is a thrilling science fantasy novel of adventure and discovery. In this book we follow the view of Jenny as she begins a journey of discovery and Epicness once she because a Guardian of the Dimensional Alliance.
I found the book engaging and engrossing. The story was exciting and the book well written. I felt sort of a kinship with the story, as it very much feels like something I would write. The themes, ideas, and concepts throughout it felt familiar to me on a level I just can’t describe. It was almost a spiritual connection in some ways. Essentially I felt as though this book could have easily fit in the wider multiverse of my own books because so many themes just seemed to mesh with ideas I have for my own books.
The book leads the reader on a journey unlike many other, with things like mind-speech, alternate dimension, and training to become better. So much training. But through it all, connection between characters. Friendships formed. Allies made. Fighting together in battle and training together during times of peace. This book has it all.
I’d have to give this book a 5 out of 5 stars. It was an adventure unlike any other, and I am excited for what comes next.
On this site I tend to hand out bonus stars. Bonus stars are when an author goes above and beyond what they should do, and does something spectacular and amazing. So lets go over the list of bonus stars:
X - Creativity with Presentation - More Info:
⭐- Outstanding level of notable diversity and representation among the characters
⭐ - Hooked from the very start
⭐ - Extreme in-depth world building
⭐ - Big emotional feels
⭐ - High Levels of Excitement
⭐ - Keep on Guessing
So that's 6 out of 7 Bonus stars.
You can follow the Author on Twitter at @BonnieDillabou2
You can find the book from Amazon here:
That's all from me fellow book lovers.
~ Caleb Teal, Author and Founder