The past few years have been a rough time for Evelon II Studios. Though books have been able to be published, we haven't really kept up with our goals for the blog. We had to shut down the character diary series, and we haven't really been doing regular blog articles.
In addition, I (Caleb Teal) haven't been reading as much as I had hoped to be. I don't really have a reason to be reading, as I am a workaholic, and dedicate 90% of my time towards various projects such as writing projects or game making projects, the rest goes to relaxing. I don't really know how to structure my time efficiently.
New Years is traditionally a time to reflect on the past, and make decisions on how we want our future to look. Thus, in the new year of 2023, we hope to begin several projects that will get Evelon II Studios where we want it.
Project 1: Daily Blog Posts
Starting as soon as possible, we will be doing daily blog posts. Every week we will follow a schedule for different types of posts.
Monday: Lore Dive.
Tuesday: Book Reviews
Wednesday: Lore Dive
Thursday: Game Dive
Friday: Lore Dive
Saturday: Free Post
Sunday: Free Post
Lore Dive (Monday / Wednesday / Friday): In the Lore Dive posts, I will dive into the lore of the universes of Evelon II Studios stories, with each post diving into a various topics. In these I will share details about the topics, as well as reasons behind them.
Book Reviews (Tuesday): During the Book Review blog post, I will review a book from my fellow authors, and say what I like, and dislike about it.
Game Dive (Thursday): During the Game Dive posts, I will talk more about my current game development projects, be they computer games or table top roleplay games.
Free Post (Saturday / Sunday): During my Free Posts, I will talk about whatever I feel like, possibly going on a rant, or simply talking about my life.
I hope to get the daily blog posts up and running as soon as possible.
Project 2: Book Reviews
I hope to start reading the books of my fellow authors, and reviewing them. I'm not a professional reviewer, so I won't charge anything. However, I want to help promote other people's work, as well as get myself reading more. At first I will be reviewing 1 book per week, and I will do it first come first serve.
If you are interested in getting a book review, you can contact me on twitter at @AuthorCalebTeal or email me at
Closing Thoughts
Anyways, that's all for now. I hope to see you again soon.
Caleb Teal, Author and Founder.